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陈柏原 提问者:陈柏原 61 39 分享
  • 韶夺无算祥铺生 韶夺无算祥铺生



    Can you introduce yourself

    Sure. My name is Sarah and I'm from London. I'm currently studying English literature at university.

    What do you like to do in your free time

    I enjoy reading books, especially mystery novels. I also like going for walks in the countryside and spending time with my friends.

    Have you ever traveled abroad

    Yes, I have. Last year, I went to France for a summer vacation. It was an amazing experience to explore the beautiful cities and try the delicious French cuisine.

    Do you have any plans for the future

    Yes, I plan to pursue a career in journalism. I have always been interested in writing and reporting on current events. I hope to work for an international news agency and travel the world.

    What advice would you give to someone learning English

    I would say don't be afraid to make mistakes. Practice speaking as much as you can, whether it's with a native speaker or through language exchange programs. Also, try to immerse yourself in the language by watching movies, listening to music, and reading books in English. It's important to be patient and consistent in your language learning journey.




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